Connect with your inner calling.

Discover and create intentional meaning in your life as you expand your personal vision and deepen your connection to purpose.

Transition from dreaming to a life inspired!

Everyone is a Visionary.

A visionary is

someone who has an idea for a product, service, or passion that they would like to create and maps out an implementation strategy.

A visionary is not

someone who has crazy hair, waves their hands in the air, wears eccentric clothing, and dreams up ideas out of thin air.

The biggest issue that visionaries face is themselves.

They allow their minds to start swirling with thoughts that either disregard their validity or flood their mind and overwhelm their creative ideas.

You know what I'm talking about:

Does this sound like you?

Your ideas simmer on the back burner hoping to find greater inspiration and clarity. And time goes on...

Nothing happens and your dreams start to fade and you lose hope on the idea of bringing forth real change in your life.

• Wanting to do more with your talents, but not sure how to pivot.

• Feeling stuck in your career and wondering what's next.

• Ideas keep percolating, but not sure how to implement them.

• Questioning your experience (imposter syndrome).

• Wondering if your ideas would be valuable to others.

• Feeling like it will be too risky or won't succeed.

...the list goes on.

Sound familiar? How about trying a different approach?

It doesn't have to be overwhelming

You don't have to give up your career to pursue your dreams and big ideas - in fact, it is not recommended.

It's really a matter of strategy and developing your own creative process. What should be exciting we often turn into overwhelm, because we aren't sure where to start or we question our own ability to make it work. The stories we have told ourself for years continually become larger.

What you focus on expands.

A part of the journey has to be about rewriting the story that has played over and over in your mind so that you can retrain your mind to stop worrying and start focusing on your dreams.

Row of three mood images to convey: woman sipping tea, computer with paintbrushes and art supplies, woman running in desert looking back

What if things could be different?

What if you felt like you had a solid plan for creating your dream?

A way to capture your ideas and develop them so they are cohesive with your vision, how to prioritize your efforts, and what steps to take to start creating your goals in a way that feels less frantic and more streamlined.

What if rather than overwhelm, you felt confident in your approach?

A system to help you break down your ideas into a series of actionable steps - a roadmap you could follow and scale when new ideas came to you without feeling like you had to start over each time.

What if creativity flowed freely and enabled you to grow your vision without purpose?

Retrain your brain to capture your ideas via a structured method that enables you to feel confident in your what you have to offer and how you can help others.

Woman laughing with champagne glass

If you’re finding this tugging at your heart, you’re not alone…

Think about it...has anyone ever helped you to create a dream plan in your life? We strategize our careers, but we are not really taught how to strategize our dreams to become something you could actually pursue?

It is possible. This is what large corporations do every time they receive a new product vision, idea, feature, or marketing idea. They strategize and position their idea to become a viable brand and product.

Key areas of focus: your mindset and your strategy.

Einstein didn't take all his thoughts, write them down, and hope they would work out. He had a scientific process of thinking that enabled him to create his theories on quantum physics. You don't need to be an astrophysicist to create your dreams or an expert in business, marketing, or product development. You simply need to learn the formula for processing your ideas and activating them.

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:


create from within

I invite you to give yourself permission to explore your dreams.

If you have a dream of doing or creating something different in your life - it's time to start listening! Take your dreams and develop a roadmap to create lasting impact and change. Transition from dreaming to a life inspired.

In this 3-month journey, we will embark on a path to allow for expansion - focusing on establishing rituals around your creative process, habits, systems, and belief. You will be able to participate in weekly live group coaching calls to provide clarity and guidance as you move from dreaming to doing.

This journey is broken down into 3 main segments:

Vision, Creation, and Strategy

Develop your BIG Vision, determine your hidden strengths (includes access to a personal assessment and bonus discussion), discovering your genius zone, activating your creative / ideation flow, aligning your vision with you want to create, and determining the impact your would like to make in the world.

This is the first of a 2-part journey into your discovering and living your purpose and calling.

The journey begins May 16th.

As a member of this course, you will receive special VIP pricing when the course launches in the Fall - a continuation of your journey with turning your vision into living a life imagined.

Woman with chalk dust surrounding her

Here’s what you’ll get when you join:


Lifetime Course Access

Receive access to course modules as they go live, plus lifetime access to review again.

Value: $500


Live Coaching / QA Calls

Live group coaching calls to grow your vision and weekly opportunity to be highlighted.

Value: $1800


Exclusive Membership

Grow with fellow dreamers and receive feedback and support on your journey.

Value: $250


Goal Formula

Access to the Vision Creation system to break down your ideas into actionable steps.

Value: $450


Visualization / Creativity Tools

Weekly exercises to create flow and alignment with your dreams and calling.

Value: $250


BONUS: Idea Strategy

Idea strategies to help you create your vision and align with your audience.

Value: $350

A total value of: $3,500

Includes access to the

Vision Creators Community

Join now for just $167

Special promotion offer - Limited time

Available with Easy Pay option

Pay in full

- OR -

3 monthly installments of $56

Jessica provided a very safe space allowing for deeper exploration of my limiting beliefs and values resulting in multiple shifts in my perspective and actions towards my overall goals. Jessica’s curiosity helped me increase my awareness and create a better understanding of how my patterns were serving or not serving my goals and intentions. Working with Jessica allowed me to take many actions towards my goals creating significant momentum that will be a foundation for growing business.

— Amanda


Working with Jessica has instilled an awareness and a confidence in me that I didn’t even know I had! My favorite thing working with Jessica has been her coaching style. She puts the client first by listening and asking good open-ended questions. She then takes that information and presents options for me to choose “how” I wish to execute my master game plan. This strategy has proven to be very effective for me as I have learned to be the driver of my own success. Thank you Jessica!”

— Katie

Owner, Graceful Athlete

Through Jessica’s insightful questions and her genuine desire to help, she creates a safe space toward discovery of self and purpose. I was able to uncover some remarkable possibilities and break-throughs on moving toward my passion-work. I realized I was standing in my own way with some limited thinking, created by some experiences of the past. This thought process no longer serves me and is really no longer true for today. There were some epiphanies that still resonate deeply within, and I have some palpable tools I now use to move forward. I’m so thankful for these sessions with Jessica, and am very excited for my future.

— Trudy


100 Satisfaction Guarantee

Still on the fence about it?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you join us and you’re not satisfied here is what we’ll offer you...

Full refund on the purchase.

If you decide after the first 30 days from the start of the course that the material does not meet your needs or you are no longer satisfied for any reason, we will refund the portion you had spent on the course.


When does the course start?

The course will begin May 16th and will provide new content to follow along at easy pace for each of the 12 weeks.

How do I access the modules?

All modules and course community will be hosted wiithin the private Mighty Networks app that offers both desktop and mobile options and does not require the use of social media.

When will I have access to new modules?

Course modules and materials will launch on Sunday of each week. Live calls will be hosted via Zoom every Tuesday at 8am PST. Recordings will be available for those unable to attend live.

Can I decide to go at my own pace?

The purpose of this course is to truly discover what drives your dreams. The process may take as long as is needed or in batches. You will have access to all modules once they are live for you to continue at a pace that is comfortable for you and will be available to for the lifetime of the course.

What if I am not completely sure what I want to create?

All the more reason for you to join, my friend! All it takes is a feeling. The course is designed to help you dig deeper and discover what is calling to you to explore.

What if I am not tech savvy?

The course platform is intended to be easy to use and accessible across platforms. The tools introduced in the Bonus modules will outline how to use them and you can leverage the community, as well as QA calls to direct specific questions.

Jessica Rice portrait


Hello! I am Jessica. I am so excited for this journey we are about to embark on together.

I am passionate about helping fellow women live a life where there are no limits to who you can become and what you want to create.

I spent many years following a career path, that while successful and lucrative, did not fulfill my higher calling. After ignoring that inner voice for far too long, I had to make a change. In doing so, I learned to hone the skills that I had acquired in my corporate career and bring them to coaching.

This is what I bring to our relationship - the willingness to explore and the skills I gained as a designer, developer, leader, and strategist in corporate commerce.

I have had the pleasure of working with a diverse clientele who have enabled me to grow as a person and get curious with them so they may grow and succeed - from mentoring university graduates on career growth to working with special forces operatives transitioning to the civilian sector. I have worked with entrepreneurs to build and scale their businesses as they learned how to efficiently manage their operations in a VUCA world that demands their time and attention.

I have great passion for helping other not only realize their dreams, but to succeed in their pursuit of passion and higher calling.

It would be an honor to journey with you.

jessica's signature

© Copyright 2022 Rowan and Hazel, LLC.